| Good Patent Drawings Are Essential To Your Application | Our ability to provide and revise even complex patent and trademark drawings in-house speeds our work and ensures that confidential information is retained in confidence. We do not "farm out" drawing work as do many other firms. Good patent drawings are essential elements of a well prepared patent application. We know that if the drawings don't look right, you are unlikely to be pleased with the text of the applications we prepare, so we concentrate on providing applications that include well prepared patent drawings. Our patent draftsperson has a fine arts degree and over twenty-five years experience in preparing patent and trademark drawings that meet and typically exceed the stringent requirements of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Many patent draftsmen dislike preparing the extremely fussy drawings often needed for Design Applications. Our patent draftsperson is a true specialist who enjoys this challenge. | | Five Design Patents Protect Different Features Of The Same Product | |